N.C. Episode 1: What This Course Is NOT
When Eminem first started his big rap battle, how did he disprove his opponent? He called out all his flaws, disarming his opponent.
Ironically, in most nutrition challenges you are your own worst enemy. So before we go forward I will say what this course is NOT.
What You WONT Get
You will not get a fancy certification. You will not get any certification for that matter. If that is what you’re after, turn back now or drown.
You won't receive information from the world's most renowned nutrition expert. When you go to your friends and say “I went through the whole
nutrition course by Rudy Galan” you probably won’t receive many high fives nor get that girls number. To be honest, my academic background isn't particularly impressive or focused on nutrition.You will not acquire the diet secret that will automatically make you drop 50 pounds or gain 25lbs of muscle like some “but wait there’s more” commercial.
This course will not cure a disease or your psychological problems. Doctors are there for a reason, utilize them if needed.
What You WILL Get
You’ll tackle periodic quizzes to test your knowledge to see how much you actually know. Nobody sees the grade but you or cares for that matter.
You will gain intrinsic motivation which is pivotal to your success. That is the first lesson. Relying on extrinsic motivation will cause long-term failure. Consider extrinsic motivation the fuel to your fire that is fueled by the sun. The fire will burn with or without it, but the extra fuel makes for a fun show.
You will get a fool proof system that allows you to see through any diet and why it could work.
You will become adept at avoiding scams associated with diets or supplements, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned money.
You’ll have the opportunity to save money for the future. When people truly learn to eat healthy and in a balanced fashion, they end up saving money.
This course could give you a couple more years on your life as well as a couple happier years. Two often-overlooked benefits are the quality and quantity of life. If you can add 5 years to your life (lifespan) and enjoy 13 extra years in good health (health span), this course will prove its worth.
You’ll probably look a lot better than you do now. Ask anybody who knows about nutrition, “Can I workout and not diet to look good?” Now ask the same person “Can I diet and not workout to look good?” Nutrition is the prerequisite to not only good health, but good looks. Not only in weight but in hair, skin, etc. The best things start from within you.
You will acquire the knowledge and strategies to empower your family to make healthier choices and lead longer, more fulfilling lives. If you eat like crap, the people around you will as well. I don’t have kids, but if I did, I’d do it for my kids to live healthier lives. You know the implications of a bad diet long term, I don’t need to tell you about diabetes, obesity , heart disease, etc. for you to know you don’t want your people to go through that.
I’m Not a Guru
My goal is to provide you the knowledge, the tools, the option to live a bigger and better life. This course is not a substitute for a coach that provides value in their accountability and personalize coaching. I am not reinventing the wheel, I promise. The human body has not changed in any major way in over 1,000 years.
This course empowers individuals with knowledge, not quick fixes or magic solutions.
If you're ready to transform your life and the lives of those you love, this course is your first step. Subscribe today and unlock the power of knowledge, paving the way for a healthier, happier future.